These are just a few of the most popular 'New Years Resolutions' that get thrown in our faces each time the end of December rolls around.
Now, don't get me wrong, I think these resolutions are great! It's really cool to see people who can keep their goals for the year.
And then there are the people like me, the ones who aren't too good at goals.
But this year, I'm going to set just a few easy resolutions for 2015.
The first would be to read through the New Testament again. Last time I got a bit bogged down with trying to go through the whole Bible in one year, so I'm going for the shorter one this time.
Number two would be... look up. No, seriously, look up. Yes, I mean have a better relationship with God, but also to just look at the sky. I don't think we have as much appreciation for the giant piece of artwork directly above us, and the more I look up at it, the more I'm in awe of it. The clouds and their formation and colors are amazing, if you really look.
My favorite time is just before (or during) sunset, and the sky is a pure blue as the part that boarders the earth is a light yellow, and the sun burns a orange glow. Also, the sunrise, with the rays of light creeping over the mountains and sparkling on the morning frost.
Ah, beautiful.
Not to mention... you know what they say, a red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night. Ironically, that actually happened two mornings after going to see the Battle of the Five Armies in theaters.